
1 Euro ==> 394.75 Ft
Name day: Ádám

Apollo Art Mozi (Cinema) (Pécs)

This is a film house where works of artists are exhibited, which have played on major film festivals. They have 2 rooms. They also run movies of Hungary. There also organize film festivals about countries or artists.
Prices (2013)
Adult 900 Ft 2.30 Euro
Child, pensioner 650 Ft 1.60 Euro
Sights nearby (distance approximately)
Para Park Pécs in Pécs 1.2 km 4 min.
Citytour Pécs in Pécs 2.1 km 6 min.
Pollack Swimming Pool in Pécs 2.5 km 7 min.
Baranyaring Gokart in Pécs 2.6 km 6 min.
Cave in Pécs in Pécs 2.9 km 8 min.
Hullámfürdő in Pécs 3.0 km 6 min.
Duna-Dráva Nemzeti Park in Pécs 3.2 km 9 min.
Pécsi Műjégpálya in Pécs 3.4 km 7 min.
Zoo (Pécs Állatkert) in Pécs 4.4 km 11 min.
Gokart Pécs in Pécs 4.5 km 7 min.
Perczel Mór út 22.
7621 Pécs
+36 (72) 212-604
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Last change:  01-01-2013
Geo: 46.07604,18.23208