
1 Euro ==> 405.55 Ft
Name day: Abigél, Alex

M3 Archeopark (Museum) (Polgár)

This 5 acre park provides an overview of historic homes and the culture of the region. Besides the houses and culture is also told about the fauna and flora of the region. There are exhibits on the excavations and finds therein for making the M3 motorway. Visitors can participate in many activities. The children can ride horses, animals hugging, fishing and participate in crafts. There are theatrical performances and a large playground. In the restaurants can one enjoy the specialties of the region.
Opening hours
1 April till 31 October: Tuesday-Sunday: 09:00-17:00
1 April till 31 October: Monday are the exhibtions closed
1 November-31 March: 10:00-18:00
1 November-31 March: Exhibitions are closed
All ages
Prices (2014)
Adult 600 Ft 1.50 Euro
Child (aged 4 and above) 500 Ft 1.20 Euro
Family day-ticket (2 adults + 2 children) 1800 Ft 4.40 Euro
Pensioner 500 Ft 1.20 Euro
For some activities there is a surcharge.
Sights nearby (distance approximately)
Örvényes-tó in Folyás 7.0 km 9 min.
Strandfürdő Polgár in Polgár 7.2 km 11 min.
Tiszaújvárosi Termálfürdő in Tiszaújváros 14.0 km 15 min.
Mezőcsáti Termálfürdő in Mezőcsát 21.3 km 19 min.
Hajdúnánási Gyógyfürdő in Hajdúnánás 23.8 km 27 min.
Visitorscentre in Kesznyéten 24.0 km 29 min.
Patás Pajtás Lovasudvar in Tiszacsege 26.9 km 30 min.
Vice Beach in Hejőkeresztúr 28.9 km 18 min.
Tiszacsegei Termálstrand in Tiszacsege 30.3 km 35 min.
Martinek Lovarda in Hajdúnánás 34.5 km 26 min.
Naast de M3 en hoofdweg 35 (afrit Polgár)
4090 Polgár
+36 (52) 573-082
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Last change:  24-06-2014
Geo: 47.846689, 21.150765