Hungary is generally divided into four geographical regions: the Nagy Alföld(Great Plain), the Northern Highlands, Dunántúl (Transdanubia) and Kis Alföld (Small Plain). The Nagy Alföld covers more than half of the country lies east of the river Duna (Danube), which cuts from north to south through Hungary. The surface drains through the River Tisza and is an important agricultural area. The famous puszta (Puszta) - a formerly nomadic steppe area was used as natural pasture - is extracted, but a small part in the East is left in its natural state. The second area are the mountains in the north. The Mátra mountains and Bükk mountains range have tops to 1000 m. At the foot of these mountains are important industrial cities of Budapest and Miskolc. Dunántúl covers the entire area west of the Danube, with the exception of Kis Alföld in the northwest. This region consists mainly of rolling hills and low mountains. It is an agricultural area, the soil contains minerals. Lake Balaton, one of the largest lakes in Europe, is situated in Dunántúl. The Kis Alföld is mostly flat and low, except the foothills of the Austrian Alps on the western border.