
1 Euro ==> 393.93 Ft
Name day: Andrea, Ilma

Placeinformation of Alsótold in Hungary

Name: Alsótold
County: Nógrád
Postal code: 3069
Wikipedia: Wikipedia
Website Place: Alsótold Note: there is not always a place website, many are now in maintenance
Area code:

Overnight stay

No campings available in this place
Sights nearby (distance approximately)
Museumvillage Hollókő in Hollókő5.1 km
Szandavár Vendégház Lovasiskolája in Szanda12.1 km
Palóc Lovasiskola in Csitár17.0 km
Lovas-tanya in Legénd17.1 km
Magyarnándor Lovas bázis in Magyarnándor18.0 km
Ipoly-völgyi Lovas Diák-Sportegyesület in Őrhalom19.4 km
Hello Hallo Park in Erdőtarcsa21.8 km
The Little Horse Valley in Legénd22.4 km
Oxygen Adrenalin Park and Matrabob in Matrafüred29.6 km
Mátra Segway in Mátrafüred31.0 km